The Thing from ‘Fantastic Four’ is revealed
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Ben Grimm clobbers through rock with his virtually indestructible power as the Thing.
Ever since its inception, Josh Trank’s Fantastic Four reboot has been shrouded with negative word of mouth. There have been rumors speculating that the script had to undergo numerous treatments and revisions, that production was behind schedule, and that a series of reshoots were needed due to an underwhelming response from the studio heads over at 20th Century Fox.
However, based on the trailer that was released earlier this year, interviews with the Trank and writer/producer Simon Kinberg and the collection of photos that have slowly been surfacing, the comic book adaptation shows great potential.
This week, Fox released three more official photos from their upcoming superhero film, most notably one that finally gives fans a proper glimpse of Ben Grimm as The Thing, played by Jamie Bell. This design seems to be far more realistic than the depiction that was in the previous Tim Story versions in terms of how a man would look if he were made entirely of rock.

The four leads explore what could potentially be the Negative Zone.
Michael Chiklis’ portrayal of the earthy creature in the 2005 and 2007 editions, granted was in a film with a far goofier tone than this reboot, looked utterly ridiculous and cheaply crafted. With this new incarnation, the motion capture looks absolutely flawless and incredibly detailed, making this the most perfect rendering of the Thing.
Another photo that was released showed four unidentified people in space suits roaming through a rocky terrain, which could possibly be the scene in which the four leads get their powers. However, Victor Domashev (Toby Kebbell), the film’s incarnation of Dr. Doom, who gets his powers alongside the Fantastic Four, isn’t included, which could mean that this is just an expository mission for the protagonists. But this picture, along with the others, establishes the heavy sci-fi/horror tone the film is going for.
Josh Trank stated that one of his biggest influences on the film was David Cronenberg’s shocking cult classic The Fly, which, if true, means this is going to be a very different comic book movie. Two other released photos showed two of the male leads in some eerily scientific situations. One of which was Reed Richards (Miles Teller) examining the mechanics of a strange device, which is a part of Richards that was never really delved into in the previous films: his science background. Another was Reed Richards laying down in a lab and extending his arms while people in bio-hazard suits surround him. These pictures alone reveal major insight as to the kind of creepy approach the filmmakers had.
Though it has had some bad word of mouth, the Fantastic Four reboot appears to be shaping up as a top-notch comic book movie. A lot can happen between now and August, and the film’s reputation could either be extremely positive or the exact opposite. But as of now, it’s significantly positive.

INTERESTS/HOBBIES: Inter-dimensional travel.